Crochet, Coffee, and Choo Choo Train…

Time off… 

I am off for a trip to Edinburgh, so had to leave my knitting WIP at home. The project is to big to be carried around. 


Tadaa! Crochet project is easier to handle while travelling. I have to carry scissors everywhere though. I’ll think about that particular problem a bit later.

As my husband says… we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Did i misquote? 

The Flight…

I’ve flown hundreds of times. Probably thousands. I can’t say that I am a seasoned traveller, but I travel often and so far… travelling was easy. But this last trip to Indonesia was horrible. It is borderline traumatic, and I can understand why this kind of experience could make some people giving up travelling altogether.

It started with the day I left the UK. My husband took me to Norwich airport just in time when I received this:


When I asked the officer in the check in counter, she told me that she is going to rebook me a flight — she hinted that the next flight from Norwich might be full, as few flights before have been cancelled as well. That’s not good enough, because I have a domestic flight in Indonesia — and that’s what I informed the lady in the counter.

Long story short, I caught a direct flight from London to Jakarta few hours later. KLM paid for the taxi that took me there. Good enough, it was just tiring.

Then I got a bit of problem entering Malaysia when I went there to visit my friend. Apparently my passport’s quality is so poor that scanner couldn’t pick the barcode. The Malaysian immigration officer told me that many passports made in the Embassies has this problem.

Not a big deal, really… But I don’t like being sent to a special room, waiting for my passport being investigated.

Anyway… This holiday in Malaysia was awesome. Like Indonesia, Malaysia has an interesting and rich culinary culture. Going there with a local is definitely an advantage, because I could get to eateries where only locals would know about. But I will talk about Malaysia a bit later.


The last part of the trip is this flight back to Norwich. I received THIS, when I was waiting for transfer in Amsterdam.

Wait… Okay, I have to say that it is funny. It is annoying, and it is tiring, but the text was definitely funny. However, I could not just laugh out loud in front of a bunch of angry people. That is not cool.

KLM got me rebooked again, and it is fine. I mean, if the problem is the weather, then there was not much the airlines could do. But I have to say that I don’t like the other airport I was sent to. I am talking about the immigration gate.


I know… I know that they need to be extra careful for some reasons. I can understand if they need to be more thorough with everything. BUT, I don’t think that they need to be intimidating and rude too. The immigration and security officers in Norwich are far more humane, and polite, and kind. They do their job without having to humiliate people.

You know what? I can understand every single words they’re talking behind the immigration gates. When they giggled and mumbled about “so many immigrants”. Oh yes we do speak English, and some of us even speak English better than they do. The officers in Norwich never did this. They might talk about us, but at least they have the decency and professionalism not to let us hear it.

Anyway, that immigration bit is the worst part of the journey. The bus ride home was bearable, although I did want to go to the loo, but the bus toilet was out of order 😦 See? Holding my wee for 3 hours was more bearable than the 5 minutes in that immigration gate. That’s how traumatic it was.

I am glad I am home though…

x ❤ x