Finishing Up… And Start Again :D

I have to say that I am surprised with how well orange and blue combined together. I could see how it could appeal babies — the vibrant orange contrasted with calming blue, will the definitely catch one’s attention.


This is a plainer version of Rowan’s pattern called Silver. I think the pattern is very basic and quite easily be modified according your liking. So I think why don’t I try the same pattern, with different colour combo?

So, I checked my stash, and found a white DK yarn. Same brand, and same weight too, so I expect they are the same gauge as well. How about trying white and blue?

I was considering orange and white too, I think it would make a cute colour combination. Maybe after this one?


Although, i suspect this one would take a while to finish 😦 my left hand is now starting to tingle, and the fingers are a little bit stiff and slightly painful when i force it to grab and squeeze. So for a couple of days ahead, I would have to take it easy with my knitting. Maybe it is a good time to go back to the crochet top and clean the extra yarn again… ugh…

I feel old when things like this happen… I wish I could knit all day and all night without injuring myself.

x ❤ x

WIPs Progress(es?)

It makes me wonder… if there are more than one WIP, would the progress should be in plural form too? To be honest English confuses me a lot, especially when it is learned properly (instead of the basic one used for daily conversation). But oh well… Let’s not let it distract me from sharing the progress I have made so far…


The first one is the crochet project I made during my trip to Edinburgh. You’d be surprised how much one can make during the train trip. The first few pieces that’s been connected looked slightly wonky, but the latter ones looked much better. Overall, I am loving this project… I think green is good for summer too, don’t you think?

And, I just realised that the other project was also green! It has gone very quickly too… before I accidentally nicked my finger with the sharp edge on the tin when opening a spam. Damn Spam… But the back and the front is done, and I am halfway on the first sleeve.


HOPEFULLY… I would be able to post more regularly again. It is nice to return to a routine…

x ❤ x

Steady On!

I quite like it when the project just goes smoothly. Which means no frogging, nor pretending not to notice that I have accidentally skipped one yarn over in row 14 — or trying to convince myself that every tiny mistakes in handmade stuff is what makes it unique. Yes… that defines a good day for me.

In those kind of day, I would end up with FO, or at least something that resembles an FO.

I would love to call this an FO, mainly because I have done all the important things. I have knitted all the pieces, and sewn them all together. I have tidied up the loose dangling yarn, and it actually look finished for me. Problem is…

It doesn’t have buttons too!

I have ordered buttons for the previous almost-FO, but the buttons haven’t arrived yet. Now, I have two almost-FOs, waiting to be buttoned up. Of course, I am not going to let the buttons situation ruins my day… I don’t think you would let that either. Instead… I am starting another WIP…

Don’t you think this heart lace pattern looks good with white wool?

x ❤ x